Greek Language For Foreingers

The Theater of Changes offers Greek language lessons for foreigners living and working in Greece.

For more information press here

International Festival of Making Theater

Every year (since 2005) the Theater of Changes organizes the International Festival of Making Theater (In.F.o.Ma.T.)
Press here  to see the invitation for participants and the program of our next festival
that will be held at our premises on June 30th – July 4th 2025

    For more information on the previous festivals press here

Τuition fees

The Registration fee costs 40 EURO and is valid for one year. Each class costs 8 EURO per hour.

The following table shows the cost of one or more courses and the possibility of installments.
Number of classes Cost in EURO Number of installments Cost of installment in EURO
One 192,00 € 3 64,00€
Two 384,00 € 3 128,00€
Three 547,00 € 3 182,00€
Four 720,00 € 3 240,00€
Six 1036,00 € 3 345,00€
Nine 1.468,00 € 3 489,00€

Options - Advantages
Each student can enroll in as many courses as he/she wants (one or more) but if someone wants to have an overall approach of their studies, we may suggest one of the following programmes:
THE BASIC PROGRAM - When the student enrolls in 3 classes.
We suggest: 1 acting, 1 voice and 1 movement.
a) student's pass
b) one additional class as a key-student
c) 5% reduction in the tuition fees. Instead of paying 576 €- one pays 547,00 € in three installments of 182,00€. The same reduction is valid for up to five classes.
FULL PROGRAM - When the student enrolls in 6 classes. We suggest 2 acting, 1 movement, 1 voice classes and 2 optional ones.
a) student's pass
b) 2 additional classes as a key-student
c) 10% reduction in the tuition fees. Instead of 1152€ - one pays 1036,00€ in three installments of 345,00 €. The same reduction is valid for up to eight classes.
THE INTENSIVE PROGRAM - When the student enrolls in 9 classes.
We suggest: 4 acting, 2 movement, 2 voice classes and 1 optional class.
a) student's pass
b) 3 additional classes as a key-student
c) 15% reduction in the tuition fees. Instead of 1728,00€ - one pays 1.468,00 € in three installments of 489,00 €. The same reduction is valid for more than twelve courses.

We advise all students to make a careful selection of classes since recess or exchange of classes is in no way allowed.